This is the place to introduce yourself to the community. Let us know why you are here and what types of astronomy interest you.
The Member Introductions is the place to tell the community about you and let them know you are here. Please follow the rules below when introducing yourself.
- No promotions, links or business advertising. Only introduce yourself to the community, not your business.
- Do not post or ask questions here. Please start another topic in a suitable category with your questions.
- Do not share advice or other tips or guides here. Please start a topic in a suitable category for this.
- Do not post contact information such as postal address or email address. People can contact you via the message system on this site without a contact address.
Not sure what to post? Some tips include:
- The country you are from
- What type of astronomy you are into (stargazing, astrophotography, etc)
- What do you love about astronomy, the night sky etc?
Note: The member introductions category is not included in the regular email summary update. If you want to see who has joined and posted their introduction here please visit this category often.