I am still learning how to use my Advanced VX mount so what are your feedback on how you are using it

I recently got an Advanced VX mount. I am happy with it so far but unfortunately, it has been cloudy here in Sydney often in the last few weeks so not enough clear nights to make good use of it.

Most of the time I have been doing astronomy previously it has been stargazing but this mount will help me get started with astrophotography which I am looking forward to learning.

I hope some people here have great experiences with the AVX mount to share because I would love to hear from you all.

The AVX is a good mount, and I used mine until recently. I sold mine as running my Edge HD8 with a 0.7 reducer and OAG was taxing the mount due to the weight of the setup and counterweights. My guiding was suffering, or would still be using it.

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